Thursday, July 28, 2016

ewout lendo gregory corso na beira do rio e duas fotos desse dia

Looking at the map of the world
(do livro "the happy birthday of death", 1960)

Germany has lots of meat
O what a treat!
Yet I thought of monkey meat
And dared not eat.

Holland has beautiful blond children
Different than Brueghel's children
Who are cheruby potatosacks

Sweden has sinister schemes to create
the airports of space and time

St. Paul's of England
is God's men's room

France has created the weird guillotine

Italy has given beauty to the world

Spain where the cult of bloodstream
roils sad gayety

Monaco is useless to the world.

Mexico is enslaved in Ten Commandments
-- the brightest catch of God

America is the most promising of empires
-- stamp collectors will have to re-geminate
their American albums

Venezuela had a dead man on the shore.

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